Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dole Trip with Daddy

Baby pineapple. By the way, sorry this is backwards you might want to start from the bottom.
Can't get a decent picture of the three of them. This is as good as it gets.
So cute!
Little monkey's had to climb up some bars in the back to get up to the holes. William looks like he's about to hang himself.
Eli was running from his brothers.

When Jason was home we decided we should take a trip up to the Dole Plantantion since Jason has managed never to go with us before. So we did the maze, and for the first time finished it all. It only took us 2 hours:) Then we had some yummy pineapple whip. It was a fun family day. The boys were pretty tired of being told were to go by the end so we let them run around in the middle of the maze for a while.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Wow that is some pretty area around where you are looking at the pineapples. Love your new background and your header picture is so cute of the boys. I love pictures from the back. Are you excited to come home soon?:)