Friday, February 26, 2010

the lowdown

Since Jason is gone i decided I'd be more productive, like I said in my last post, I have some projects. Well a few turned into a lot. So I've started with the little ones and 2 big ones. We refinished our bedroom furniture before Jay left and then I was left with the entertainment center. Which will be in the boys playroom/guest room. That one is a slow moving project since the kids have been very helpful I can only take so much at one time. On a sidenote in the future if you visit don't look to closely at this thing. I've made little hobo bags for the two older boys and a backpack for Eli, car seat strap covers for the carseats, and tried my hand at freezer paper stenciling, which by the way is very cool. I wish I could upload my pictures but Jason seems to have hidden the usb cord. So pictures will come in the future.
There's not much other news really. We're all finally better after what seems like months of being sick. So it's back to the beach for us and on to find adventures again. since everything is an adventure when you have 3 little boys with you. New things with cameron is that he can spell his name all by himself and can draw very good pictures of people, animals, submarines the list goes on....and you can tell what they all are. And as of tonight he wants to be a music conductor when he grows up. William is turning into another good helper and is becoming the only one who will give me kisses without wipeing them off. Even Eli is learning this bad habit. He told me tonight he wants to be like daddy when he grows up and eat hot sauce. Seriously I love my kids :) Eli learned how to go down the stairs today and climb off a couch without falling. About time. At least I get to have my baby a baby for a while longer. That's about all my news. Hope everyone is doing well!!