Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tagged Again!

15 Favorite Things

1. Of course my family
2. doughnuts .....mmmm
3. new bras.... yes you may laugh but you all know you do too.
4. a suspenseful engrossing book...not on the order these days but still
5. lists...I must agree with Julia I have a list for everything and I love it.
6. I LOVE LOVE to wrap Christmas presents.
7. I must agree with Nicole when I say sleeping
8. New piano music or old piano music you haven't seen or heard in a long time.
9. Oranges....I'd kill for a good orange right now. and mexican food, and red meat....I could go on about the food I miss and love.
10. having my kids healthy as well as me and jason
11. Big milestones in the boys lives....such as potty-training.
12. My house being completely clean.
13. having Jason just randomly say he'll do some of the housework.
14. Having friends who confide in me.
15. clothes that fit just perfect.

I tag Sophie, Laura, and Ashley

1 comment:

The Expatts said...

WOW Alysha, it's been awhile! Your boys sure are growing up! I continue to be a flaky blog friend, but I'll have to call you sometime, I'm better at that!

Merry Christmas and hope to hear more from ya soon! Love ya!