Friday, July 18, 2008

Since the night after Jason left the first time Cameron has been pretending that he's dad and captain of the submarine, which is the couch. It's very cute. He rumaged through all of his toys until he found his Dixie cap we bought him a long time ago. Then he came downstairs, with the hat on upside down, and proclaimed he was dad. Every night since we've gotten a little show. Poor Will was recruited as part of the crew. You can tell how interested he is in that.


Shauna said...

ahhh that is so cute. So does that mean that Jason is gone now? I can just see Cameron doing that on the sofa!

nicole said...

That's funny!

Heather said...

Thank you so much! You are a trooper...2 little ones and one on the way. You are such a cute prego! Congrats like wise.

nicole said...