Sunday, November 4, 2007


I must say Halloween was quite an experience. Our neighborhood has so many kids and I think every single one was out. People around here also decorate their houses for every holiday. It was typical autumn weather, cold and windy. The kids had so much fun. Cameron wanted to put his costume on from the moment he woke up. So when he finally got to put it on he was really excited. They didn't even need us to walk up to the doors with them. They just stood in the line of kids and did their own thing. Cameron was saying trick-or-treat like a good boy and William was being a little greedy always wanting a little more candy. They were so cute though. I think the older kids, in their scary costumes, kind of scared Cameron. He'd hold a little tighter to me when they walked by. One little boy ran up to Cameron in a ninja turtle costume who was so excited that he was Mr. Incredible, it was really cute. He was so proud of his costume he'd been practicing his running since we got it so he could be as fast as Dash. They had so much fun. They came home and ate more candy then I would ever allow and had a major sugar rush but then crashed pretty hard. There's a picture of Will in the slide were he's laying flat on the ground with his cup and one of those party blower things. That one was right after he crashed. He was so tired he couldn't even sit up anymore to watch his movie. Overall though it was really great.We all had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

alyson said...

thanks!! Your boys look adorable!!