Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Rainy Day Project

We woke up this morning to find that it was raining again, what a shocker. So I knew I was in for it today. So pretty much from the moment I woke up I was trying to think of things to keep them busy. This is one of the things I came up with. A cereal box wrapped in contact paper with little garages on the side for airplanes and cars. I must say this was one of my better ideas. It dosn't matter if they destroy it since it's only a box. At least it kept them busy for a while.


nicole said...

Dang that is creative. I'm gonna have to do that. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

Shauna said...

Alysha, everyday Mallory asks me to show her the boys jumping on the couch. Record your boys again. Mallory loves it. Also, yesterday when we were playing on the swingset she asked me if dillon could come over and play and bring the other boys too. I thought it was so cute.